Cream of the Crop 1
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The following files should be on the 256 Paint Disk:
256PAINT.EXE 256 Paint main program executable file (version 2.0)
VGADIR.EXE Quick (*.VGA) file directory utility (version 1.1)
256PAINT.DOC 256 Paint main program documentation
256DEMO.DOC 256 Paint Demonstration walk-thru documentation
README.DOC This file
REGISTER.DOC A form you can use to simplify the registration process.
EURO.CHR .BGI Stroked Font from the BGI Toolkit
SIMP.CHR .BGI Stroked Font from the BGI Toolkit
EXAMPLE.C Turbo C code example
EXAMPLE.PAS Turbo Pascal code example
EXAMPLE2.PAS Turbo Pascal Example using the Shortend PB256 Units.
(See 256Paint.Doc p.20)
SPB256_4.TPU Shortened PB256 Unit for use with TP v4.0 (See 256Paint.Doc p.20)
SPB256_5.TPU Shortened PB256 Unit for use with TP v5.5 (See 256Paint.Doc p.20)
SPB256_6.TPU Shortened PB256 Unit for use with TP v6.0 (See 256Paint.Doc p.20)
256PAINT.HLP The Help File (Keep with 256 Paint.Exe)
SVGA256.BGI Jordan Hargave's 256 Color Graphics Device Driver
The following files are sample image files located on the 256 DRAW disk.
Some of them were originaly downloaded from a public domain Durham, NC
Bulletin Board System in the Compuserve (C) GIF format. They were then
converted into ZSoft's (C) PCX format and then converted to VGA format
using 256 Plus. Others were created using the 256 Draw environment.
256DEMO.VGA Sample VGA image, Look at this in conjunction with Demo.Doc
PARROT.VGA Sample VGA image, You'll remember this guy
STONE.VGA Sample VGA image, look for this from POD BAY in the future
SANDSTRM.PCX Sample PCX image, A Current Pod Bay Release
ALIAS.VGA Sample VGA image, demonstrates the Anti-aliasing feature
PHASE.VGA Sample VGA image, demonstrates the Phase feature
SUNBURST.VGA Sample VGA image, demonstrates the Sunburst feature
The following files are palette files that you may find useful. Hint: If you
have converted a .GIF or .PCX file into VGA and really like the palette,
you can save the palette into its own palette file without saving the image
itself...just choose option 2 under the palette menu.
256DEMO.PAL Sample palette, used with the demo.
BW.PAL Sample palette, 64 color greyscale palette.
STANDARD.PAL The Standard VGA palette used by 256 Paint, with a couple changes.
!!! A Note about device drivers
Version 1.0 of 256 Draw used Borland's VGA256.BGI device driver. Due to
palette inconsistencies and the lack of ability to Putimage an entire screen,
Version 1.1 and all later versions use Jordan Hargrave's SVGA256.BGI device
driver. For image's created with 256 Draw 1.0, don't worry, version 1.1
will comment about the image being non-compatible with the SVGA driver, but
will load it anyway, making the necessary adjustment. The image will also be
saved as a version 1.1 compatible image! For those of you who wish to create
images with version 1.1 but still prefer to use the VGA256.BGI driver, there
is a utility provided in 256 Plus. For those of you who order 256 Plus, If you
have 720k capacity (default for orders not specifying), I will send you the
SVGA256.ZIP package as well. You also might want to consider the PB256 Units
to avoid device driver usage altogether. Those who wish to obtain more
information about the SVGA256.BGI driver, contact Jordan via the following:
| Jordan Powell Hargrave | Internet: jh5y@andrew.cmu.edu |
| 1000 Morewood Ave, Box #3277 | Bitnet: jh5y%andrew.cmu.edu@cmccvb |
| Pittsburgh, PA 15213 | UUCP: uunet!andrew.cmu.edu!jh5y |
| (412) 268-4493 | Prodigy: HXNJ79A |
| | Compuserve: [72510,1143] |